Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Care Buddies-Part 2

Just before going on winter break, we invited our care buddies from Mrs. Lynch's room to watch us perform the winter poems we had memorized. Our buddies were a great audience, applauding and cheering after each poem was read. The fourth graders designed posters to use as backgrounds as a way to enhance their performances.

After the poetry was finished, we accompanied our care buddies back to their room where we helped them decorate gingerbread people. Our fourth graders has already worked on decorating gingerbread people in a different way. They were asked to research a country or region and then dress their gingerbread person in the style of clothing worn there. Unfortunately, they weren't edible like the ones we got to make with our care buddies.  The process of putting on frosting, chocolate bits, and sprinkles was messy but fun and the finished product was creative and tasty. It was a great way to end the day before vacation.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Care Buddies-Part 1

Care Buddies is a partnership between two classrooms, usually the older students acting as mentors to the younger students. Our fourth grade has had the pleasure of working with the four year olds in Mrs. Lynch's Pre-K program. During our first get-together, the four year olds chose books for their Care Buddies to read to them. It was hard to tell who was having the better time, the four year olds or the fourth graders!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dinoman Comes to Asa!

Before going on winter break, Asa Adams school had the honor of hosting Dinoman!  Dinoman, also known as Bob, brought his knowledge of dinosaurs and lots of wonderful props to share with our school. He used a clothes line as a timeline to demonstrate how long ago dinosaurs lived and just how little space people take up on it. We learned about how fossils are made and even got to see examples of some. It seemed that everyone was most excited to see the inflatable dinosaurs come to life in our own gymnasium. Here are some pictures from Dinoman's visit.

Mrs. Tuttle's Class