Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome back!

We are back into the swing of things here in fourth grade!  The students are entering their first five day week of school and they seem to be handling it nicely.  We have already started some specials, including P.E., music, art, computer, and library.  We'll soon be starting keyboarding (after testing is done), recorder/strings, guidance, and some students will choose to participate in chorus.

The students are currently in the middle of taking their NWEA testing, which they do once in the fall and then again in the spring.  We test in the areas of reading, language, science, and math.  I can tell already that we have some pretty smart kiddos in our room!

In math we are learning about the properties of polygons and circles.  We are learning how to use tools such as rulers and compasses.  In writing we are practicing the art of poetry.  We have written Bio Poems about ourselves as well as a character we read about named Philippe Petit.  In reading we are choosing "good fit" books and applying different reading skills to what we read.  Water and the water cycle make up our science curriculum.  The students already know so much about it!

I have sent home Scholastic book order forms for anybody that might be interested in ordering some books.  You can also order online if it's easier!  Just use the activation code that's written on the top left of the book order form.  Please send them back to school by September 29.

September also brings with it lots of special events.  We will be having a character education assembly on Friday, September 16 at 1:30.  Students will have an instrument demonstration on Tuesday, September 13.  We will be finishing up our NWEA testing this month and will get started with NECAP testing early next month.  School picture day will be on Thursday, September 29.  Our school will also be hosting an Open House on Thursday, September 29.  We also want to wish J.M. a very happy birthday on September 28!

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