Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What makes a door hinge so special?

Today in writing we talked about having a "Poet's Eye."  A poet looks at an ordinary, every day object and thinks about what is extraordinary about it.  Poets give inanimate objects feelings, hopes, and dreams.  We read poems by X.J. Kennedy, Valerie Worth, and Kristine O'Connell George about topics such as a pencil, popping popcorn, an umbrella, muddy sneakers, and an onion.

After reading the poems, we brainstormed a list of items that we might pass by every day without noticing. After narrowing the list down, we chose door hinges to write about.  Next, we came up with a list of things that made door hinges special, including the fact that they're small but they hold up a lot of weight!  Lastly, we did some shared writing and combined our ideas into one poem.  We hope next time you pass by a door hinge, you'll give it a little recognition!

Door Hinge
Be happy because
you have one friend
and you never let
him down.
You see many people
come in and go out,
they don't even notice you.
You are small, flexible, and tough.
Gray, silver, and brass.
People make you for a reason.
To open doors.

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